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Frenship.TV Students Gear Up for Homecoming Pep Rally and Football Game

Ray Rush, FHS Broadcast Media Teacher, helps manage Frenship.TV. He and his students produce Frenship feature stories, Inside Frenship on The CW, and other projects around the District. This year they are also live streaming each football game to Frenship.TV, social media, and to a streaming app called BoxCast.

Rush said that in preparation for Homecoming, Frenship.TV students have been collaborating with the FHS cheer squad and are producing a special Frenship alumni video.

“We have several things we are working on,” Rush said. “We have a video that is being made about former students called ‘I Am Frenship.’ We will use that video at the pep rally on Friday and the game on Friday night.”

Rush said the pep rally will be streamed live so that Frenship parents and fans can watch more of the traditional Homecoming festivities.

“Because of COVID, the traditional Homecoming Court ceremony will take place at the pep rally. Because of that we are live streaming the pep rally as well.”

Rush said his and his students main focus is to get the production side of things ready to go for Friday night.

“The key here is to get things ready for the game,” Rush said. “That is what these students have been training for, whether it be operating a camera, directing, replay, graphics – that is what they are preparing for.”

Jacob Filgo, Frenship.TV student said that working with the cameras and directing will help him when he leaves Frenship. He said that he is grateful for the experience he is getting from volunteering at the games.

“I think working with sport cameras, getting different shots and different views will help us in the future if we decide to go into sports,” Filgo said.

Tyler Paxton, Frenship.TV student said that the atmosphere of the game is the best part of volunteering at Frenship.TV. He said that will be something from high school that he will never forget.

“To have some of the best views of the game and hear everyone cheering is just awesome,” Paxton said. “I know that is what Homecoming will be like. I am looking forward to the atmosphere and for an opportunity to learn something new.”

Nathan Charles, Frenship.TV student said that he is grateful to have the opportunity to do what he can this year to ensure that the fans and students that are not able to attend the game still have an outlet to watch it.

“I think that we just need to be on our A-game and try to make the experience of the football game as fun on someone’s TV,” Charles said. “I personally feel like it is my responsibility to make sure things go smoothly so that everyone can enjoy the game and have a great Homecoming experience.”

To watch the pep rally and football game visit our Frenship.TV page, the Frenship Athletics Facebook page, or watch using the BoxCast app on your smart TV or device.
