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Frenship ISD

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Frenship Students Raise Money for Homeless Through the Chick-fil-A Leader Academy

The Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy at the Frenship Ninth Grade Center wanted to do something special this holiday season. After much discussion, they selected to raise money for the Grace Campus, which benefits the homeless. The Leader Academy students worked to prepare for this campaign by painting signs to post around the school and promoting it in announcements with Principal Justin Burrus. 

The Chick-Fil-A leaders chose to do a Spirit Week to reflect the Spirit of Giving along with the Frenship Spirit.  This campaign doesn't require any student to donate, but they are definitely encouraged and challenged to serve the community in this way.   

“It's always nice when the student body is in solidarity, be it through dress, goals, or just fun,” said Gina Martinez, the Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy sponsor.  

The dress up days at the Ninth Grace Center included: 

Monday-Neon Day 

Tuesday-Pajama Day 

Wednesday-Jersey Day 

Thursday-Any Uniform Day 

Friday-Crazy Hair Day 

This campaign is a school project supported by Chick-Fil-A, who donated an 18-inch CHICK FIL A for a year bouquet with some extra gifts inside for a raffle among the Ninth Grade Center staff. Tickets were available to staff for $5 for 6 tickets and $10 for 15 tickets. 

At the end of the campaign, if they reach their goal from staff and student cash donations, then Burrus will sport a mohawk for a day. The Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy will present the check to Grace Campus next week.  
