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Frenship ISD

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Frenship Celebrates Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month

Frenship’s CTE program offers a wide variety of courses related to industries such as agriculture, technology and communications, business and marketing, architecture and construction, information technology, law enforcement, health sciences, automotive, education, culinary, engineering, and much more.

This year Frenship added a Plumbing program for students in getting hands-on career training from a Master Plumber. 

Frenship ISD has seen an increase alignment of our courses with the community and industry needs, as well as an enhanced desire to prepare students for real world experiences. Frenship CTE staff and administration have continuously worked to tweak the programs to fit where growth is needed and where jobs are arising.

From career awareness through career and college days in elementary and career exploration at the middle school level to actual career training in high school, the CTE program continues to see more and more students seeking perfection and capturing excellence as they chase their dream careers.

To learn more about the CTE programs offered at Frenship click >>HERE<<
