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Frenship Academic Decathlon Team Sets School Record

Academic Decathlon is a nationally recognized program, and colleges know decathletes are well-rounded students with strong communication and test-taking skills. With the current team earning an incredible seven medals at state, they now hold the new title for Frenship AcaDec student with the most state medals.  

"It's really neat to watch each student's growth from our very first competition in the Fall to how they shine at State,” said Laura Lewis, one of the AcaDec coaches. “These students have shown an immense amount of dedication to their studies, and the payoff shows! I am so proud of each and every one of our team members and look forward to see their success with next year's theme: Technology and Humanity." 

The 7 awards are as follows: 

Elijah Hernandez: Gold in Scholastic Interview 

Sofia Khan: Silver in Scholastic Literature 

Tatum Cameron: Gold in Honors Social Science 

Katherine Dyal: Bronze in Honors Essay, Silver in Honors Art, Silver in Honors Literature 

In addition to the medals, Dyal is the first Frenship student to ever be awarded a Top Individual Award at State. She placed 4th overall in the Honors division with an astounding score of 8,221.4 points out of a possible 10,000! She was awarded $750 in scholarship money for this prestigious accomplishment. 

"I am so honored to be a part of this program, as a second-year coach I have learned so much about the discipline and drive that Decathletes possess,” said Kendyl Lopez, one of the AceDec coaches. “I continue to be impressed with this group of kids each day. Our underclassmen are already so enthusiastic about next year, which is an incredible thing to experience." 
