After learning about various types of pets and animals in class, Pre-K students at Westwind Elementary gathered in the cafeteria for a chance to meet some of the pets.
Pre-K teachers Shanna Ross, Jamie Moxley, and Faith Rawls wanted to help the students become familiar with different types of animals, so they decided to invite Walter’s World of Pets to Westwind for an in-school field trip.
Walter’s World of Pets brought a big tortoise, a mini crocodile, an iguana, a macaw, a python, and a spider monkey for the students to learn about. The students had an exciting time meeting these interesting pets and had the opportunity to ask several questions about the animals.
The students learned that snakes can grow to be very large, stretching over several feet. Walter’s World of Pets employees taught the students that you can actually close a crocodile or alligators' mouth with 2 fingers but didn't advise anyone untrained to do it. They also learned that iguanas shed their skin and use their tail as a form of protection.
Additionally, they learned that birds are very loyal, but get scared easily so they are better for quite households. One of the more interesting and unique animals the students met was the spider monkey. They learned that monkeys don’t make the best pets, since they are very needy and require a lot of attention.
Several parents attended the in-school field trip, and maybe walked away with a few ideas for a new family pet.