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Big Things are Blooming at Bennett Elementary School

Bennett Elementary School second grade teacher, Shana Rich, was one of the recipients for the 2022-2023 Teacher Grants funded through the Frenship Foundation.  

Rich applied to receive funding for a Hydroponic Gardening System to use in her science and math classes.  

Her students are now able to gain a stronger understanding of how a sustainable system works to grow plants. “Through the process we have learned the different stages in a plant life cycle, the function of each part of the plant, what plants need to survive, and how pollination plays a part in making new plants,” said Rich.  

Kindergarten and 1st grade students had the opportunity to plant beans, and 2nd grade students planted beans, cucumbers, and onions in the hydroponic station. 

The hydroponic station gives students the chance to observe how plants grow without the harsh effects of the West Texas weather conditions. “This process is particularly important for our students because, despite our best efforts, our outdoor garden will not thrive. With the hydroponic garden, our students can observe and record changes in plant growth despite what weather conditions there are outside,” said Rich. 

There might be a few future botanists or horticulturists in Rich’s classes. “One of my favorite parts about this activity has been watching the curiosity grow in my students. They wondered if the plants would grow faster if we sang to them. Of course, we had to test this theory out. It appears that a similar study has already taken place. We found out that if you say nice things to the plants (and sing happy songs), they will thrive. One of my students is certain she saw a plant grow as we sang Simon and Garfunkel to our tower plants.” 

Rich explains that students’ knowledge is reflected in their science district assessments. “The students don’t realize that through this project they are mastering every TEK/standard that is outlined on our plant unit for 2nd grade science. They just know they are having a lot of fun.” 

The 2023 – 2024 Frenship Foundation Teacher Grant applications will open this month. 

 For additional information on the Frenship Foundation, click here.  
