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Frenship ISD

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Talking with Tigers - Rebecca Whipkey

Tell us about the first day of school at Alcove Trails, and how it went.  

The first day of school was unique this year because obviously everyone in the building was new! Besides the typical first day jitters, things went really smoothly! Staff and students were excited to be there. After so many months of empty halls and classrooms, it was great to see our building filled with students. 

What did you and your staff do to prepare for the opening at Alcove Trails?

Our staff did a phenomenal job of preparing their rooms to receive students despite some challenges with some small last-minute construction obstacles. They were very flexible, and their grace and understanding were much appreciated! We tried to give them as much time as possible to be in their rooms to feel settled and to be able to focus on preparing their lessons for the first few weeks.   

How did your Back-to-School Bash aid with the opening of Alcove Trails? 

We had such a great turnout for our Back-to-School Bash. Students and families were able to tour the facility and I think that eased many minds to be able to see the inside before the first day of school. It also was an opportunity for our students to see their classmates and even meet some of their teachers. Even though it was very hot, it was neat to see students playing games and having fun.  It was a great way to start off the year. A big shout out goes to our maintenance and custodial crews who worked extra hard to have our building ready for the event.   

How are the students adjusting/enjoying the new campus?

I see lots of smiling faces every day, so I believe students are enjoying being at Alcove Trails! Not only is it a brand-new building, but these students get to be a part of Frenship's history as the inaugural class of Alcove Trails. They also get to set the tone and the culture for future Alcove Trails' students. We have high expectations for our students, and I can't wait to see what they achieve this year! 
