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Upland Heights Staff Get Pied in the Face

Every year, Upland Heights Elementary hosts a tailgate to kick off the school year. It is a fun way for families to get together, PTA to go over info, and for students to participate or watch the staff members do something fun. Parents bring chairs and blankets to create a picnic setting while the PTA cooks hotdogs.  

Each year leading up to the tailgate, the students can pay money to do something to the staff. This year, students brought money and placed it in a staff member’s bucket in hopes that they will get a face full of delicious pie with plenty of whipped cream.  

The goal isn’t to raise a large quantity of money, but to create an exciting event and rally the students together. All the money goes towards funding bounce houses for Splash Day at the end of the year. The PTA used the money from the hot dog sales to give back to help Upland Heights in some way.   

At the tailgate, one teacher from each grade got pied in front of the eager students. While Denise Stewart, the Upland Heights principal, encouraged the students to vote for their teachers to get pied, her bucket ended up with the most money. After all the teachers went, Stewart suited up for her turn to get hit with a pie.  

This year’s special guest Raider Red got the honor of serving a face full of pie to Stewart as the students cheered him on.  

Stewart stated that she loves this event, and everyone always has a great time.  

“I'm fortunate for staff members that like to have fun and are willing to do whatever to make kids laugh.  Parents get to see the fun side of the Upland Heights staff members as well each year at this event.”  
