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Willow Bend Student Council Holds Officer Elections

At Willow Bend, staff members are always looking for ways to bring real life experiences to the students. Several years ago, the idea was formed to bring in real life voting booths to use for the student council officer elections to conduct the race similar to a real election.  

The students love this experience. They go to the polls as a class, but each cast their vote individually. Utilizing the official voting booth not only aids in counting ballots but gives the students a hands-on look at how voting occurs in America.  

The voting booths come from Lubbock County, who sends a poll officiant who teaches the students how the machines work.  

“They wish more school would use them,” said Elisa Gonzales, Student Council Advisor at Willow Bend. “They enjoy coming out and sharing the experience of voting with the young future voters! Last year was neat. We got to vote on the new polling machines before the actual election!” 

The newly elected student officers will lead the students through the school year. They will run the monthly meetings; help run and coordinate all the events. They will attend the TESPA Training coming up in October. 

“They are the leaders of the leaders, as we like to say,” said Gonzales. “They will each have a job to do with in the Student Council. We are so excited to get this school year started.” 

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Student Council Officers: 

President - Bentley Vining 

Vice President - Olinka Barragan 

Secretary - Brylee Hensley 

Sergeant of Arms - Harleigh Jackson 

Historian - Liam Carr 

Treasurer - Katalina Puga 
