In seventh grade science, Kristyn Mitchell and Keely Trauber’s classes have been learning about the human body and its vital systems. While learning through course work is important, Mitchell and Trauber wanted to give their students an experience they won't forget.
The teachers invited Dr. Garrett, the husband of a fellow teacher at Terra Vista, to visit their classes and present to the students. Dr. Garrett presented 5 of the 10 human body systems that they have already covered, so it was a great refresher.
In addition to preparing a presentation, Dr. Garrett brought some cow organs from a local butcher to give the students an inside look at the organs they are learning about. After he went over the Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Endocrine, and Excretory systems, he invited the students to the front of the room to for a chance to get their hand on the organs.
This is something that Dr. Garrett has done in the past with one of our elementary schools and Mitchell and Trauber thought it would go perfectly with their current unit over the human body.
“Our students had a BLAST,” stated Trauber. “We saw LOTS of smiles, enthusiasm, and "A-HA" moments. Anytime we can get the students' hands on the subject of the coursework, it will help reinforce the concept. The hand-to-brain connections are the MOST effective methods out there!”
Mitchell and Trauber have expressed their gratitude to Dr. Garrett for arranging this for the science classes.