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Frenship FFA Students Wrap-Up Fall Contests

If you had stopped by the agriculture classrooms this past fall in the early mornings, before most students even thought of getting out of bed, you would have found the FFA members already hard at work putting in countless hours writing scripts, preparing presentations, and honing their public speaking skills in preparation for their Leadership Development Events. 

This year, Frenship qualified five teams for the Area LDEs, as compared to the two teams last year, and only one team the year before that. “Frenship FFA members continue to strive for perfection in Development Events and are turning into a force to be reckoned with,” said Ryan Pieniazek, Frenship High School Lead Ag Teacher.

For FFA students there is no off-season. Members have already begun practicing for the spring Career Development Events. The Frenship FFA is preparing to compete in 16 different Career Development Events. There are also many members preparing their livestock and agricultural mechanics projects for the upcoming show season. The show season kicks off with the Frenship Local Show on January 6, 2023.  

“We hope that everyone will come out and support our FFA members,” said Pieniazek. 

Team and individual events are listed below with contest placements: 

Agricultural Advocacy: 1st District, 5th Area Bliss Bessire, Robert Chagolla, Garrison Pieniazek, Claudia Tepper 

Agricultural Issues: 1st District, 4th Area: Cayden Hodnett, Leah Underwood, Gunner Claybrook, Micah Scott 

Job Interview: 2nd District, 5th Area: Bliss Bessire 

Public Relations: 2nd District, 4th Area Jaida Jolly, Roxy Pene, Jazlin Alamager, Natalie Hill 

Greenhand Agricultural Skills Demonstration: 5th Place District: Jack Pollard, Becca King, Cameron Copeland 

Greenhand Creed Speaking: 2nd District, 3rd Area Jocelyn Payne / 6th District, Karter Bowen 

Senior Creed Speaking: 4th District Roxy Pene 

Senior Agricultural Skills Demonstration: 5th District: Carson Barrett, Kelvie Roberts, Joaquin Mankin, Adam Marquez 

Greenhand Chapter Conducting: Mae-Lynn Charles, Karter Bowen, Hanna Pacheco, Natalie Brock, Jocelyn Payne, Max Jeffreys, Morgan Robinette 

Radio Broadcasting: Garrison Pieniazek, Claudia Tepper, Grace Fulbright, Ava Hayes, Avery Martinez, Rylan Artchuletta 

Senior Quiz: Ethan Barrett, Natali Hill, Tyler Racca 

Greenhand Quiz: Mae-Lynn Charles, Hannah Pacheco, Max Jefferys, Morgan Robinnette, Shelby Holton, Amayah Reid, Bridgette Hoy, Caraline Doty 


Congratulations Tigers! 
