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Law Enforcement Hosts Selfies with Santa and the Grinch

This is the second annual Selfies with Santa and the Grinch that the Law Enforcement SkillsUSA team has hosted as a fundraiser. The event started with the Law Enforcement teacher Samuel Soto buying a costume last year for Halloween. The students needed to find an idea for a fundraiser for the Skills USA Law Enforcement program. It was suggested by the yearbook teacher to offer photos with Santa and the Grinch as a fundraiser accepting donations. 

Last year Soto played the Grinch and Joshua Bacon, one of the media teachers, played Santa. This year Bacon has returned as Santa, and Charles Planks, a professional actor took over as the Grinch.  

The event offered baked goods, hot chocolate, and apple cider to anyone who showed up and everything was free with donations. There was a station for children to write a letter to Santa, which will be mailed to the North Pole by Soto. They also offered a Santa’s Workshop where guests could make an ornament.  

The Law Enforcement students were extremely involved with this fundraiser. They donated the baked goods and sat with children to write letters to Santa, color, and make Christmas ornaments during the event. One student even dressed up as Max, the Grinch’s Dog. The Frenship High School Photography Club also got involved by taking the photos. Those students are currently editing the photos to send to the families that attended the event.

“My students work hard every day learning skills that will benefit them not only as future members of the Law/Law Enforcement/Forensic Science community, but they're also learning skills to help them as just regular citizens,” said Soto. “They are learning leadership, responsibility, and strong ethics.” 

The money raised during the event goes to fund the end-of-the-year banquet and other activities throughout the year for the SkillsUSA Law Enforcement Students. This year, the event brought in over $450 for the program.  
