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Frenship High School Speech and Debate Team Takes Home 2nd Place Sweepstakes Award

Although the fall semester is wrapping up, the Frenship High School Speech and Debate team has not slowed down. This past Saturday, the Tigers competed at the Lubbock High Tournament bringing home several noteworthy honors.  

“It was a long day of competition, but well worth it for the results we got. With over 30 schools in attendance, we are super proud of our tigers for coming away with the awards that we did,” said Speech and Debate advisor, Heather Byars. 

Congratulations to the following students: 

  • Liam Byars and Alex Serralde placed 6th in Duo Acting 
  • Drasti Patel and Kendall Rigney placed 5th in Duo Acting 
  • Drasti Patel placed 4th in Prose Interpretation  
  • Kendall Rigney placed 3rd in Informative Speaking 
  • Dani Duff placed 6th in Informative Speaking 
  • Joyden Uke placed 1st in Informative Speaking and 3rd in Original Oratory 
  • Tatum Cameron placed 3rd in Domestic Extemporaneous Speaking 

“All of this equaled Frenship walking home with the 2nd place Sweepstakes Award! What a great way to end the semester,” said Byars 

Previously, on November 17 and 18, the team competed in Amarillo at the Tascosa tournament. Three students brought home awards for their informative speaking performances.  

Congratulations to the following students: 

  • Chinecherem Ukelegharanya placed 4th in Informative Speaking 
  • Kendall Rigney placed 5th in Informative Speaking 
  • Danielle Duff placed 6th in Informative Speaking 

Overall, it has been a successful semester for the Speech and Debate team. The Tigers are looking forward to keeping the momentum going in the spring semester.  

Follow along with the team’s social media, CLICK HERE.  

To view the upcoming tournaments and the UIL schedule, CLICK HERE.