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Frenship FFA Kicks Off Stock Show Season with Local Show

The local livestock show was hosted at the Frenship ISD Ag Farm over the winter break with 63 Frenship FFA and 4-H students coming together to show off their animals to their parents, grandparents, friends, and community members. 

The local show acts as a practice run for the start of stock show season, allowing the students to showcase their superior showmanship and dedication to the development of their animals. The show consisted of several weight classes of various species and breeds of livestock animals. 

The students and their animals are now competing in the Lubbock County Stock Show. The steer and lamb show happened on Thursday, but you can still catch the swine show this Saturday and Sunday on January 13-14. In the coming weeks, the students will start preparing to travel around the state for the Texas major livestock shows. 

Livestock projects are part of the three-ring model of agricultural education consisting of classroom, FFA, and Supervised Agricultural Experience. SAEs grow the students in the areas of responsibility, showmanship, team spirit, and collaboration in working with others.  

“These Supervised Agricultural Experiences allow the students to put into practice concepts learned in the classroom relating to managing finances and livestock husbandry,” said Ryan Pieniazek, Lead Agricultural Sciences Teacher and FFA Advisor. “In addition, these help students build a strong work ethic while developing responsibility and a competitive spirit coupled with good sportsmanship.” 

The Frenship FFA would like to thank the Frenship Ag Boosters, Frenship administrators, and sponsors of the Frenship Local Show. Without their support, the students would not have the opportunity to showcase their projects. 

Stream the Lubbock County Stock Show HERE.
