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Frenship ISD Celebrates School Board Appreciation Month

As elected officials, the members of the Frenship School Board of Trustees advocate as a voice for their communities, serving the best interest of Frenship students, families, teachers, and staff.  

The theme of this year’s School Board Recognition Month is Locally Elected, Community Connected, which highlights the connection between school trustees and their communities. School board members are the largest group of locally-elected officials in the state. 

Governor Abbott issued a proclamation stating, "To catch a glimpse of the Texas of tomorrow, we need only look into the classrooms of today." The proclamation also acknowledged the importance of locally-elected boards. "...Individual schools and districts are answerable to the people through elected school boards. These boards set a vision for their district based on students' needs and community values." 

Frenship is honored to thank our board members who voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing our local school district:  

Brad Draper, President - serving since 2004  

David R. Miller, Vice President - serving since 2006  

Kyle Rogers, Secretary - serving since 2011  

Jamey Phillips - serving since 2015  

Andrew Cox - serving since 2020  

Chelsea Salazar - serving since 2023 

Shawn Vinson - serving since 2023 

In 2019, the Frenship School Board of Trustees was ranked in the Top 5 School Boards in Texas. The members combined have more than 60 years of service to Frenship! Many of the members have children that are Frenship students, spouses that are Frenship teachers or are community volunteers through The Frenship Foundation for Leadership and other volunteer programs.  

During the monthly board meeting on Thursday, January 18, Frenship will recognize our board members for their dedicated work to the district. 
