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Frenship Students Attend MLK Youth Summit

Last weekend, over 300 students from the Lubbock area were invited to spend the day engaged in leadership, goal setting, and career exploration activities all inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King Junior’s vision. The MLK Youth Empowerment Summit was hosted by Texas Tech Campus Access & Engagement, The Texas Tech School of Law, and the Rawls College of Business. 

Frenship High School and the Ninth Grade Center took seven students each, and one student from the Reese Education Center attended as well. The students had the chance to attend sessions that equipped them with skills to be better prepared for college and how they can achieve their goals. They also had breakout sessions that covered topics such as how to select a university, the importance of mental health, having courageous goals, how to find your purpose, and how to apply to your career. 

Additionally, the summit provided specific sessions for students interested in nursing, medical school, and law school. The keynote speaker for the day was Sean Lewis Esq. He provided a moving speech about saying ‘yes’ to opportunities and achieving your dreams. Lewis is currently serving as a member of the Texas Tech University System Board of Regents and is an associate at Haynes Boone Law Firm.  

Rebekka Berryhill, the FHS Student Council Sponsor, attended the summit alongside the students and expressed how beneficial the experience was. “It is important for our students to interact with students from across the city of Lubbock and engage in the surrounding community,” said Berryhill.  

The Frenship students in attendance stated that they learned a lot about strengthening one's mental health and were given helpful information about pursuing their dreams through goal setting. 

“I learned in the goal-setting session that saying your goals out loud can be beneficial for you,” said Daniela “Dani” Galvan a sophomore at FHS. “I also learned that it doesn’t matter what people say, but if you believe in your goals, you will accomplish it.”  

One student from Reese, Mia Gutierrez, attended sessions about entering the medical field and basic preparation and planning for college. Gutierrez stated that this event solidified her decision to go to college. She admitted that she had been on the fence for a while, wondering if college would even be possible. After attending the summit, she decided that she wanted to go to college for her daughter. 

“I think it is important for young students to know that if they have a dream for themselves there will be people along the way to help them reach that dream,” said Berryhill. "That if they take a page from Martin Luther King Junior’s life, they will learn that by working hard and spreading kindness to people they can do so many amazing things and inspire others.”  
