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Reese Education Center Hosts Career Presenters

This week, the Reese Education Center invited a local real estate agent to speak to the students about getting involved in real estate and the various opportunities within the industry.  

The Communities in Schools Coordinator, Elyse Evans, started inviting community members to present in their job fields because she noticed the need for students to understand the vast career opportunities available to them after graduation. 

“Many students don’t know where to even begin,” said Evans. “This gives students the opportunity to talk with someone face to face and ask all the questions they want.” 

So far this year, Evans has brought in speakers to present on nursing, cosmetology, auto mechanics, welding, the military, and most recently a real estate agent. Each guest prepared a presentation about their average workday and the steps they took to get where they are now.  

Students leave these presentations with a realistic idea of what a career entails and the steps needed to get there. Students often get the contact information of speakers to follow up later with more questions.  

The program started with Evans reaching out to a nurse friend for a guest speaker presentation. The students were interested, so Evans started arranging for more speakers to come out. The presentations are open for all students to attend, as career interests vary among students.  

Evans will continue to bring in speakers that align with student interests. She stated that it has been a rewarding experience, to see the students excitedly engage with the presenters. 
