Early in the show, two Frenship students qualified for the Auction of Champions with their steers. Parker Dickens placed 10th with his Lightweight Shorthorn Steer and Garrison Pieniazek placed 8th with his Middle Weight American Cross Steer.
The steer show at Fort Worth is regarded as one of the toughest shows in the country with over 1600 entries in this year's show, only 240 steers qualify for the auction. Other Frenship steer exhibitors included Cayden Hodnett and Leah Underwood.
Additionally, the Frenship FFA saw some success in the Jr. Market Barrow Show. Three Frenship students brought home ribbons from their barrow class. Below are the placements for the barrows.
Reid Webster - 3rd place Crossbred
Nicole Colmenero - 5th place Crossbred
Brynn Sheets - 7th place Yorkshire.
Additional swine exhibitors included Leo Arenas and Karter Bowen.