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Frenship Elementary Students Learn to Cast Their Votes

Each school year across Frenship ISD, several student council officers are voted into leadership positions by their peers. This year, Westwind Elementary and Willow Bend Elementary decided to make the process as authentic as possible and utilize official voting booths.  

The Lubbock County Elections Office provides voting booths, turning the elementary schools into official polling places. A poll official and volunteers are also present to teach the students the steps for casting their ballots. 

The Willow Bend polling place was set up in the main hallway, facilitating a smooth voting process. Elisa Gonzales, the Willow Bend student council advisor, brings in the voting booths each year for the officer elections to provide real world experience for the students. 

At Westwind, media specialist Angela Howard welcomed the young voters into the polling place and explained the importance of voting. She covered a brief history of voting rights and highlighted the various types of elections in the United States. 

Prior to voting, both campuses gave candidates the chance to campaign for their positions. At Willow Bend, students showcased their art skills by creating posters that were displayed on the walls. Meanwhile, at Westwind, candidates prepared speeches to present to third, fourth, and fifth-grade students. 

The student voters were thrilled to discover they will be using the same machines their parents will use in a handful of weeks for the general election on November 5. Several students could hardly contain their excitement, but Howard reminded them that in an official polling place, discussions about how or whom to vote for are not allowed. 

Dedicated to ensuring an authentic experience, the students had to check in with a teacher before receiving their voter access code. Once they made their selections, printed their ballots, and cast their votes, the students were eager to receive an iconic 'I Voted' sticker. 

Shawna Prestridge, the Westwind student council advisor, stated the purpose of having the official voting booths was to give these future voters hands-on election experience while determining their student council leadership team.  

“We wanted to help the students understand the importance of voting and how the process works, especially this year with the Presidential election,” said Prestridge. “One day these students will be the ones choosing our city, county, and national leaders. I hope this process helps them understand the importance of freedom to vote for citizens of not only our city, but our country.” 

Prestridge is eager to hit the ground running with her newly elected student council officers. She has a fall service project in the works that the officers and the council will start immediately.  

The Willow Bend student council has invited the high school student council to a meeting to provide an inside look at how the organization can benefit both the students and the school. They are looking forward to a year of service and are gearing up for their annual Fall Festival. 

Check out the Westwind Election photo album HERE!

Congratulations to all the recently elected student council officers!
