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Heritage Middle School Mixes Art with Science

Seventh grade students at Heritage Middle School brushed into a better understanding of the human body. They used t-shirts that outlined their organs and painted each one to learn its name, function and the system it belongs to.

After completing the painting of the organs, they all wore their t-shirts on a Friday and rotated through different stations with activities regarding the human body system.

“It’s been really fun to give kids a creative outlet to learn the organs that are in their body,” said Marcelle Chapman, HMS science teacher. “We hope that when they’re tested on the system, they recall what they’ve learned because they’ve seen it this way.”

Students had to raise the money with the help of their PTA to buy the shirts, paint and supplies for the project. Through this team effort and hands-on visual, students were able to gain a better understanding of the way their bodies function and have fun while doing it.
