Frenship ISD provides every student across the district with a technology device to use throughout the school year. This 1:1 technology initiative helps ensure all students will have access to technology and digital resources.
Parents must sign the “Frenship ISD Student/Parent 1:1 Use Agreement” form in Skyward during the student registration process.
All students will be issued a device at no cost. Students will be able to use these devices throughout the year, but they must be returned at end of the school year prior to summer break.
Pre-Kindergarten – 2nd Grade: Students will be issued an iPad, charger, and iPad case. The iPads will remain in the classroom and will not be taken home by the students.
3rd – 5th Grade: Students will be issued a Windows laptop and charger. As we implement the new 1:1 initiative, it may take several months for students to become familiar with the instructional programs and how to use their new devices. To ensure devices are being used effectively, students in grade 3 will start taking their laptops home after the second six weeks once they have had time to be trained on the device/apps. Per principal approval, students in grades 4-5 will be allowed to take their laptop home as soon as they have received the appropriate training. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your student's campus.
6th – 12th Grade: Students will be issued a Windows laptop and charger. Once the laptop is issued to the student, they will begin taking the device home each day.
Benefits of 1:1 Technology
Digital equity is important to us. By going 1:1, Frenship is ensuring all students have access to technology and digital resources. It opens opportunities for students to have digital tools at their fingertips to explore, research, and learn anywhere at any time.
The 1:1 model allows teachers to be flexible and creative with their lessons. With each child having their own device in the classroom, teachers can create a more personalized learning environment that engages the students and produces faster feedback.
Incorporating technology on a regular basis and increasing digital literacy also ensures our Tigers are future-ready learners, ready to tackle the ever-changing world of technology.
Student and Parent Expectations
Students and parents using Frenship ISD technology devices are expected to adhere to good digital citizenship and follow the rules for appropriate and responsible device use. This includes, but is not limited to: