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Registration & Enrollment

Welcome to Frenship ISD! Whether you are a new student or a returning student, this page will guide you through the two-step registration process.

Please read the steps below carefully to complete your student’s registration for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents/guardians are REQUIRED to complete both steps listed below.



STEP #1:
Parents/Guardians must complete Online Verification through Skyward Family Access.
  • Returning student instructions are listed HERE
  • New Student instructions are listed HERE.
  • (Please note: If your student has ever attended a Frenship ISD school, they are considered a RETURNING STUDENT. If they have never attended a Frenship ISD school, they are considered a NEW STUDENT.)
Parents/Guardians are REQUIRED to attend in-person registration to provide hard-copies of the required documents listed online through Skyward Family access and MUST PROVIDE PROOF OF RESIDENCY to complete the registration process. 
Required documents:
  • Proof of Residency – You MUST provide proof of residency. (Includes any of the following documents: current lease, water bill, gas bill, or electric bill. The document MUST be current within the last 30 days and it MUST show the service address. Note: the service address may not be on the front page of the bill/statement.)
  • Immunization Records (A record from your healthcare provider must have their signature or stamp)
  • Birth Certificate (Hospital certificate of birth will not be accepted)
  • Social Security Card
  • Parent/Guardian’s Driver’s License
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Still need help? Call Frenship ISD Student Services at (806) 866-9541
Hours of operation during the school year:
 Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Hours of operation during the summer:
Monday - Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed on Friday
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