North Ridge Teacher wins KAMC’s Celebrating Teacher Sweepstakes KAMC has partnered up with Carpet Tech to recognize and celebrate local teachers. Our very own North Ridge Elementary Pre-K teacher, Jana Brown, won this week’s Sweepstake. Published April 6, 2023
Elementary Students Earn Their Green Thumbs Second grade students across the district have been getting their hands dirty while gardening and learning about how plants provide humans and animals energy. Published April 6, 2023
Crestview Students hear from Community Experts First graders at Crestview Elementary get hands-on learning experience about exciting jobs they might consider as they grow up. These job opportunities have CTE courses offered at Frenship High School. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship Bowling Placed 3rd at State Competition Over the weekend, the Frenship High School Bowling Team competed against over 2500 high school bowlers at the State Bowling Competition. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship Teacher Helps Create STEAM Outreach Program Featured in Europe Convention Frenship's Nancy Schunke is headed to London to present and teach fun, interactive STEAM activities to children across the world at this year's Star Wars Celebration Europe. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship High School Girls Soccer Season Comes to an End After Unforgettable Run The Frenship Girls Varsity Soccer Team wrapped up their season as District and Bi-District Champions last week. The Girls had an impressive 21-2-1 season record with 96 goals for and only 7 goals against with 20 total shutouts. Published March 31, 2023
Legacy Hosts STEAM Extravaganza Legacy Elementary students and parents explore science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics at STEAM Extravaganza. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship Varsity Tennis Prepares for Final Rounds in District Tournament The Frenship Varsity Tennis team had a great first day in the District Tennis Tournament that started yesterday, March 30. Today, several Tigers are headed into the finals for a chance to continue their tennis season at the Regional Tournament. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship Middle School 7th Graders Take to the Battlefield Two Frenship Middle School teachers accidentally-but-kind-of-on-purpose started a major war between the 7th grade Reading Language Arts classes and took to the battlefield for a game Capture the Flag. Published March 31, 2023
Frenship Baseball Starts District Play with a Series Win In the first district matchup of the season, the Tigers won the series 2-1 against the Midland Legacy Rebels last week. Published March 31, 2023